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Photomath: Solve Mathematical Problems Using Phone

In this world of advancement our life has become much manageable with the new emerging technologies. No one can’t indeed imagine himself w...

Monday, December 19, 2016

Recovering Data from App-Lock

I have no idea about writing this blog post.

Today I was going through my mail inbox ... and spotted something which surprised me little.

Actually I received an email from a person ... who had deleted the folder "dom0o7b1i1le" and contacted me for assistance . 

So, I came up with an idea of writing a post about Recovering Photos and Data from AppLock.

We all know the Applock is one of the best app to secure your phone data.
Still we know problems come without any prior notice....

Imagine that you moved your important photos in vault of Applock & you uninstall the app lock without moving the images present there.

In this case you can easily recover those photos by reinstalling the app lock.
But in case you don't have an active internet connection.
In this case question is how to recover those images without app lock?
You can recover those photos by following the given steps:
1.To do this you need app like Es Explorer or any other file manager where you can find hidden folders in the phone.
2.First install the app Es file explorer, open it .
3.Go to settings & enable the option show hidden files.
4.Now back to home directory search the folder “.dom0o7b1i1le”.Open the folder.You will get many files named like”24ad4ca5″.

5.You will get the files with different extensions. Try to open them as image or video.

6.Change the extensions of files into jpg/mp4 by using rename option.You have done it.You got your pictures/videos.Move them to custom folder.


(Same case with the person who contacted me..)

In this case there is no method to get your data back. 

Many suggests rooting your phone and following some steps which I never recommend rooting your phone isn't a good idea.. and if you aren't experienced doing it... please don't try..

But still you can try recovery software for android 

This may help you in some way. 

I just hope that this would help everyone....

Keep Reading... 

And feel free to contact at my mail id: asharani1997@live.co.uk 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Running Out Of Internal Space!!

Many of us face this problem.Its too irritating at the time we want to download something important,update an android application or want to transfer a movie or while taking a snapshot...the message"Low storage" ruins up everything.
Well here I would like to share some tips to clear storage in android.

1.Clear all cached application data:

Just go through settings and dig up to application storage setting,then tap on individual application ,you can notice each application has its own bulk of cached data,which varies from KB's to MB's or even more.
This cached application data is just junk files,and can be removed safely.
2.Delete all the duplicate files:

If you use android application like Es Explorer.Its gives a full storage analysis and a list of duplicate files is also displayed.So,delete all the duplicate files.
3.Delete all short of incomplete download files:

Files which due to some reason cannot be downloaded completely remain as unknown type file which becomes garbage.So,delete all these files right from the downloads list.This effectively remove all the junks.
4.Change your default storage location for sharing application:

All kind of sharing applications like Shareit ,Xender,etc, the storage location for all theses are set to Phone Storage by default.It should be changed to SD card.
5.Unload the least used application:
We install many applications according to our need.Well after sometime some applications are rarely used.So, its high time to uninstall these application as they are contributing towards the storage.
6.Storing data in cloud:
Music and videos are the memory hog ,so simply transfer them to cloud.Google's new photo application offers free unlimited storage for your life,as longer as they are less than 16 MP.

You can upload your music collection to Google Play Music to clear some space,just an additional extension is required.


Hope all this was informative and my readers liked it...
You can send your suggestions to my email: asharani1997@live.co.uk

Help me to improve and keep visiting.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Flipside to Facebook Apps

Browsing Facebook again and again through browser...really something i don't prefer
So what people like me do...they do install facebook app and this doesn't stop here...but messenger app too..for which i m forced by facebook
There are many unenthusiastic reason to stop using facebook app now
  • We know how bloated and resource-hungry it is..
  •  takes too much space(approx 40 MB without any additional data)
  • Consuming too much RAM
  • draining battery
  • and finally root of all evil
 So,there's certainly no harm in uninstalling Facebook app!!

So..now find an alternative to Facebook app.
Assuming that main reasons for uninstalling Facebook app was that it cause battery drainage,it's resource chewing..
Its really difficult to find something which gives an equivalent experience as Facebook app.
Google Play is full of alternatives...but most of them are the same.

 Google Chrome best Android web browsersGoogle Chrome 
One of the lightest solution can be "web view " shortcut.When you log in facebook in chrome,you'll see a popup requesting you to let facebook send notifications to you.Saying yes to this permission means you'll be getting Facebook push notifications via browser.
Simply open Facebook in Chrome and log in.When the Chrome request appear on the screen,tap allow.
Now,tap the Chrome overflow menu button and tap Add to Home Screen.You will get a large facebook icon on the home screen that will take you straight to your web version of Facebook on Chrome.

 Metal_for_Facebook_icon Metal for Facebook and Twitter
Metal is one of the few Facebook alternatives.The best thing that works for both Facebook and Twitter, so you can kill two birds with one stone.Metal is a web wrapper app, meaning that it isn't so much of an itself as a skin for the web version of Facebook.
Like Chrome , Metal send you push notification also but it improves by providing some extras.
 Metal including various themes, a floating mini app-window for FB updates on the fly, a navigation drawer, Twitter support, fingerprint access, interface options (like full screen mode and fixed toolbar while scrolling), proxies, pinned pages for a custom shortcut menu, floating action button and forced mobile or desktop site view. 

Tinfoil for Facebook appsTinfoil for Facebook
If Metal sounds all a bit too complicated, then Tinfoil is for you. Again, Tinfoil for Facebook is just a web wrapper app, but it’s super fast and has its own handy navigation drawer and shortcuts. It’s nowhere near as feature-packed as Metal, but it is even smaller and faster.
Tinfoil doesn’t sync in the background, use any more resources than the Chrome shortcut or cache data, so it’s very battery and system friendly. Tinfoil doesn’t include push notifications though, but you can simply use Chrome notifications to keep up to date.


facebook lite best new Android apps and games Facebook Lite

This version of Facebook is efficient with data and works in all network conditions.
Facebook Lite:
- Installs quickly — the app is less than 1 MB
- Works on all Android phones
- Uses less data
- Is designed for 2G networks and areas with slow or unstable connections

Keep Reading...!! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Photomath: Solve Mathematical Problems Using Phone

In this world of advancement our life has become much manageable with the new emerging technologies. No one can’t indeed imagine himself without an android smartphone. The various different and new applications have made our workload very easy and time manageable. A day without smartphones would be a nightmare for all of us.

Photomath is the world’s smartest camera calculator! Just point your camera to a Math expression, and PhotoMath will instantly display the answer. It is currently used by millions of users worldwide this app helps to make your learning procedure faster than ever.

Benefits Of PhotoMath
PhotoMath supports basic arithmetic, fractions, decimal numbers, linear equations and several functions like logarithms. Support for new Math is constantly added in new releases as the aim is to make all the Math easy.
Steps to Solve Mathematical Problems using PhotoMath
Step 1. You need to Go to google play store and search for the app PhotoMath. You need to install the app on your smartphone in order to solve maths using your phone Camera.
Step 2. Once you installed the app you will be given a free tutorial on how to use PhotoMath for solving a problem.
Step 3. After following every tutorial, you will be redirected toward the main page of the app and you will see a camera over there.
Step 4. You need to scan your mathematical question with the help of camera just like you scan a QR code. Now wait for few second and it will automatically detect the question and instantly give you the answer.

Step by step solution is provided too..!!

In case if PhotoMath is not able to find the solution to your mathematics problem this app gives you the option to send a feedback with the question. Their help team will come in rescue. PhotoMath works best on printed problem sometimes the camera failed to detect the problems of handwritten text due to low resolution.

Keep reading...!!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Unlocking AppLock

We have discussed much about features…moving to the other side
Its not only a way to see what yours friend have hidden but can be helpful…in case you forget your own password.
Trick 1:
Long Press the AppLock icon and uninstall it…problem is solved as no AppLock so no password required and you can access any folder or app on your phone.
You can uninstall the app through Es File Explorer (My next topic….!!) >>go to apps>>AppLock>> uninstall
Trick 2:
*Go to Setting>>Apps>>All apps
*Find the AppLock app in the list
*Tap on freeze or force stop or clear data.
Now you can access any app without entering the password…
And once your task is finished , you can tap on the AppLock icon…and this will move it from freezed state to running one…
NOW you know how to unlock app lock. But what if you don’t want to become victim of this.
Just move to advance Protection…set password protection for installing/uninstalling any app on your phone.
Just hide the AppLock icon form you app drawer.
Trick 3:
Ultimate Method… which will surely work for you…(you can copy this folder and explore it some other time)
1.  First of all, how to see the hidden images…. or videos

i)Connect your smartphone via data cable to the pc…
ii)Now open the internal storage folder
iii)Press Ctrl+H …so now all the hidden files and folders of phone are visible to you
iv)Now you will see a folder name .dom0o7b1i1le open it
v)Now you will find a folder named  dont_remove
vi)Inside the folder you will many folders with long names… now open any folder
vii)There will be files in some different file format
viii)Just remane these files with extension .jpeg or .mp4 depending on if it’s a video of image
ix)And now you can see the hidden image

NOTE:  Above methods may not work on other App Protector apps…
I will definitely share about other Applock apps….which can be a better option..
KEEP Sending your suggestions to my email:

 Keep visiting...!!
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Friday, December 18, 2015

AppLock : Some of its best features

Today I am sharing something about the AppLock (loving its features)

  • We know today everyone wants to secure his/her information...and AppLock is something well for us..only 
  • Lock gives users the ability to password protect any or all Android apps on their devices. Once installed, the app requires you to set up a passcode lock as well as a recovery email address for itself, after which it shows all the apps installed on your Android device. You can use pattern lock for apps and customize the authentication screen with a background of your choice and downloadable themes from the Play Store.
  •  Additionally, you can prevent other users from taking incoming calls or installing/uninstalling apps, accessing settings, Google Play store and task manager.
AppLock can lock SMS, Contacts, Gmail, Facebook, Gallery, Market, Settings, Calls and any app you choose, with abundant options, protecting your privacy.

☞ AppLock can hide pictures and videos, AppLock empowers you to control photo and video access. Selected pictures vanish from your photo gallery, and stay locked behind an easy-to-use PIN pad. With AppLock, only you can see your hidden pictures. Privacy made easy!

  • We can hide the AppLock icon form our Android System
There are two ways(as specified by AppLock itself in their PlayStore overview...but sharing one more method)
1. dial pad
enter #password in your dial pad, and tap call button to open AppLock.

2. Browser

domobile.com/applock open this website in your browser,

3. dial pad
enter *#*#12345#*#*
and tap call button to open AppLock...

  • We can stop other people from  uninstall AppLock...just follow below steps

1.Please enable Advanced Protection in settings of AppLock, so nobody can uninstall or kill AppLock without password.
You can disable Advanced Protection in settings, when you don't want it.

  • In case you forgot your password(My personal suggestion is that....always set your security questions...its very helpful indeed)

1. Tap AppLock icon to start AppLock.
If you are using pattern lock, please change to number lock.
Tap the 'forgot password' or '?' .

2. If you remember security answer, you can reset your password by security answer.
Enter your security answer.
Reset your password.

3.If not, you can reset your password by your security email.
Get reset code from the app to reset your password.

So just visit the link and download...and enjoy features

Hope all this was informative and my readers liked it...
You can send your suggestions to my email: asharani1997@live.co.uk

Help me to improve....
Next blog : It will be about unlocking hidden photos/videos from vault.. 
So keep visiting...!!!
A Good day Ahead....