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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Flipside to Facebook Apps

Browsing Facebook again and again through browser...really something i don't prefer
So what people like me do...they do install facebook app and this doesn't stop here...but messenger app too..for which i m forced by facebook
There are many unenthusiastic reason to stop using facebook app now
  • We know how bloated and resource-hungry it is..
  •  takes too much space(approx 40 MB without any additional data)
  • Consuming too much RAM
  • draining battery
  • and finally root of all evil
 So,there's certainly no harm in uninstalling Facebook app!!

So..now find an alternative to Facebook app.
Assuming that main reasons for uninstalling Facebook app was that it cause battery drainage,it's resource chewing..
Its really difficult to find something which gives an equivalent experience as Facebook app.
Google Play is full of alternatives...but most of them are the same.

 Google Chrome best Android web browsersGoogle Chrome 
One of the lightest solution can be "web view " shortcut.When you log in facebook in chrome,you'll see a popup requesting you to let facebook send notifications to you.Saying yes to this permission means you'll be getting Facebook push notifications via browser.
Simply open Facebook in Chrome and log in.When the Chrome request appear on the screen,tap allow.
Now,tap the Chrome overflow menu button and tap Add to Home Screen.You will get a large facebook icon on the home screen that will take you straight to your web version of Facebook on Chrome.

 Metal_for_Facebook_icon Metal for Facebook and Twitter
Metal is one of the few Facebook alternatives.The best thing that works for both Facebook and Twitter, so you can kill two birds with one stone.Metal is a web wrapper app, meaning that it isn't so much of an itself as a skin for the web version of Facebook.
Like Chrome , Metal send you push notification also but it improves by providing some extras.
 Metal including various themes, a floating mini app-window for FB updates on the fly, a navigation drawer, Twitter support, fingerprint access, interface options (like full screen mode and fixed toolbar while scrolling), proxies, pinned pages for a custom shortcut menu, floating action button and forced mobile or desktop site view. 

Tinfoil for Facebook appsTinfoil for Facebook
If Metal sounds all a bit too complicated, then Tinfoil is for you. Again, Tinfoil for Facebook is just a web wrapper app, but it’s super fast and has its own handy navigation drawer and shortcuts. It’s nowhere near as feature-packed as Metal, but it is even smaller and faster.
Tinfoil doesn’t sync in the background, use any more resources than the Chrome shortcut or cache data, so it’s very battery and system friendly. Tinfoil doesn’t include push notifications though, but you can simply use Chrome notifications to keep up to date.


facebook lite best new Android apps and games Facebook Lite

This version of Facebook is efficient with data and works in all network conditions.
Facebook Lite:
- Installs quickly — the app is less than 1 MB
- Works on all Android phones
- Uses less data
- Is designed for 2G networks and areas with slow or unstable connections

Keep Reading...!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for providing such a knowledgeable information admin..Even i m using FB-Lite..It is really much better than FB app..