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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Running Out Of Internal Space!!

Many of us face this problem.Its too irritating at the time we want to download something important,update an android application or want to transfer a movie or while taking a snapshot...the message"Low storage" ruins up everything.
Well here I would like to share some tips to clear storage in android.

1.Clear all cached application data:

Just go through settings and dig up to application storage setting,then tap on individual application ,you can notice each application has its own bulk of cached data,which varies from KB's to MB's or even more.
This cached application data is just junk files,and can be removed safely.
2.Delete all the duplicate files:

If you use android application like Es Explorer.Its gives a full storage analysis and a list of duplicate files is also displayed.So,delete all the duplicate files.
3.Delete all short of incomplete download files:

Files which due to some reason cannot be downloaded completely remain as unknown type file which becomes garbage.So,delete all these files right from the downloads list.This effectively remove all the junks.
4.Change your default storage location for sharing application:

All kind of sharing applications like Shareit ,Xender,etc, the storage location for all theses are set to Phone Storage by default.It should be changed to SD card.
5.Unload the least used application:
We install many applications according to our need.Well after sometime some applications are rarely used.So, its high time to uninstall these application as they are contributing towards the storage.
6.Storing data in cloud:
Music and videos are the memory hog ,so simply transfer them to cloud.Google's new photo application offers free unlimited storage for your life,as longer as they are less than 16 MP.

You can upload your music collection to Google Play Music to clear some space,just an additional extension is required.


Hope all this was informative and my readers liked it...
You can send your suggestions to my email: asharani1997@live.co.uk

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